Epilogue: On Morphy's Planet

On Morphy’s Planet 

    “Well, we’re here,” conceded Jhl with a grin, as she and her two ship-companions crawled through IG C&E at the end of a mega-humungous queue and more or less fell into the Ma’manker’s waiting arms. “And you’re here, Deefer Mo. Looking good: how are you?” It conceded it was good, and how were Jhl and BrTl and Trff, and they conceded they were good, too. And Jhl continued: “But if the pink being turns up, with or without a brother in tow, I’ll eat my hat.” And after Trff had pointed out she wasn’t wearing one and its ship-companions had shouted “Figuratively!” a few times and it had come out of some sort of it-being dream, again speaking figuratively, of meaningful communication with blobs and conceded that of course, she-it had meant figuratively, she was able to add: “I mean, odds and sods of tramp traders like us with no particular plans for Galaxy Day except avoiding our families and/or cognates are one thing: but a pink humanoid being with a brother and other relations back on her home world?”
    Trff pointed an antenna at her and BrTl collapsed in roars of xathpyroid laughter: just as well the spaceport of Koo’per City was really solid. And after a passing Space Patroller had told him they didn’t want any xathpyroid roaring here, xathpyroid cognate, he was able to say: “You did ask for that. And actually, if you mean cognates, she hasn’t: there’s only two old grouchy elderly cognates besides the immature male cognate.”
    Jhl didn’t bother to correct this last to “brother”: they’d been pretty busy since the enforced sojourn on the third moon of Pkqwrd and none of it had had anything to do with humanoid anything, let alone—thank the Federation—kinship and the terminology pertaining thereto. “Okay, you win: Dohra and the immature cognate are coming to Koo’per City for Galaxy Day. Lead on, Deefer Mo.”
    “Are they here yet?” asked BrTl hopefully as the Ma’manker led the way to the public bubbles.
    “Well, no!” it admitted with a Ma’manker ho-hoo.
    “If they do come, what’s the betting the pink being will’ve lost the address?” asked Jhl airily.
    “Three point zero, zero, four seven six nine to one,” replied Trff.
    “Uh—yeah. Thanks, Trff, very, uh, exact. –There you are,” she said airily to BrTl.
    “Ten igs say she won’t have!” he offered crossly.
    “I’ll take it,” she said instantly.
    “So will I, I’m afraid, BrTl!” said Deefer Mo with a Ma’manker grin.
    “All right: another ten igs say she will come and not only will she have the cognate with her, she’ll have dragged the Friyrian along, in his gill collar!” he said, getting rather loud.
    After a passing Koo’per City Police Patroller had told him to keep it down, xathpyroid cognate, Jhl was able to say, rather weakly: “Look, I honestly think it’s too early to expect that, BrTl. I’m not denying he was really struck, but there was the responsibility thing as well: he is her captain, remember. I think he’ll hold back until she’s finished her tour—Oh, all right, then,” she said with a sigh. “Evens, okay?”
    “Done!” he said crossly. “You, too?” he said pointedly to Trff.
    “But the odds—Yes, done!” it hooted quickly. “Evens, BrTl.”
    “In that case, I’ll take your money, too,” said Deefer Mo heavily, finding BrTl was glaring at it. “Sorry about the queues,” it added as they reached the public bubble stands. “Ma’mankers do tend to head home for Galaxy Day.”
    “Just like home,” admitted BrTl, looking about him with interest at the milling crowds of queuing—
    And suddenly the milling crowds of queuing Ma’mankers had withdrawn, leaving them at the front of the queue!
    Deefer Mo cleared its throat. “Uh—we don’t get many xathpyroids here.”
    “Apparently not,” agreed Jhl weakly.
    “This does sometimes happen,” BrTl conceded. “I usually find the best thing to do is just grab the next bubble and go.”
    “Yeah,” said the Ma’manker limply as one drew up beside them. “Come on, then. Um, it’s my slot: there’s some creased ones that wouldn’t hear of me taking you anywh—”
    “It’s all right: we know the syndrome,” said Jhl heavily. “I just hope you told them about relative sizes, not to say appetites.”
    “Oh, yes: they’re looking forward to meeting him!” it said happily, and off they went.
    Gee, Deefer Mo’s very pleasant slot was full of milling crowds of Liakki sub-group relatives, or cognates, or affines—oh, right, just sub-group members, that made it easier. The smaller ones reminded Jhl forcibly of her own nieces and nephews—they were certainly in the same state of rabid excitement about its being Galaxy Day tomorrow—and the creased ones bore an amazing—amazing—resemblance to Great-Aunties Mrsha and H’lln. And the fussy ones in the aprons were dead ringers for her own Mum and eldest sister-in-IG-law: why in Federation had she bothered to come all this w—Oh, forget it. She did know sentient life was like that.
    They weren’t all staying with Deefer Mo, but gee, there were sub-group members Queefer Do and Bheefer Mo in the same building, and sub-group members Feeper Ko, Geefer Bo and Keefer Yo in the next block—Yeah, yeah. Fortunately Deefer Mo had an excellent Guest Room, so Trff was okay; they had been on worlds that had never even heard of atmo-blobs, let alone Guest Rooms. But Morphy’s Planet wasn't primmo at all, in fact they were a lot better off, never mind the milling sub-group members, than they would have been on Bluellia.
    As if to prove it, Deefer Mo took them to dinner at an excellent restaurant: Iggy’s Intergalactic Eatery: quite relaxed and down-home in atmosphere, but an amazing selection of dishes from all round the two galaxies. So BrTl was able to have a giant joo steak, which he hadn't had since last time he was home on New Qrbgg! Deefer Mo looked at it weakly and agreed it was giant, all right, so then they had to explain that it was from the giant joo—Yes, it must be—no, the giant joo was its name! There weren’t smaller joos, no, but if it could see the animal it’d understand. Jhl wasn’t feeling homesick, funnily enough, so she didn’t have roast grqwary, even though Iggy in person assured her it was on tonight, she had Joddum noodles, which she hadn’t had since they were on the third moon of Pkqwrd, which in many respects seemed like a lifetime ago, with a mixed blue salad, but hold the Whtyllian kale, thanks. Trff just had agar-agar: Deefer Mo watched anxiously as it siphoned it up. “Okay, Trff?”
    “Delicious!” it hooted politely.
    “It’d say that anyway,” explained BrTl, checking, “but I think that is the truth.”
    “Yes,” agreed Jhl mildly. “How’re the grqwary pancakes, Deefer Mo?”
    “Very good, but not as good as creased Heeper Mo’s—only don’t tell it that!”
    Amiably they agreed they wouldn’t, and got on with the eating mixed with the eyeing other beings’ plates with interest …
    “This is a good salad!” discovered Deefer Mo.
    “Ri’,” agreed Jhl with her mouth full. She swallowed, and sighed. “These grqwary pancakes are extra! Mum’d love the recipe—wish I could describe them properly!”
    “Ooh, grqwary meat in pancakes! Different!” discovered BrTl.
    Deefer Mo was making the same discovery about giant joo steak without pancake. And the meal continued in similar vein, Deefer Mo finishing it off with Whtyllian sponge cake, and Jhl and BrTl with sweet Ma’manker pancakes, BrTl with such a generous helping that a dozen Ma’mankers came and clustered round their table to watch him, the younger ones broadcasting very clearly their impression that this was a special Galaxy Eve treat. And Trff finished it off with a glass of excellent laa. 

    Next day of course was Galaxy Day and after the ritual exchanges of small gifts and “Oh, you shouldn’t haves,” and naturally after breakfast, BrTl made the aggrieved discovery that there was nothing wrong with his comm-blob and nothing wrong with Jhl’s or Trff’s, and nothing wrong with Deefer Mo’s comm-receiver, either—but he was sure he’d given Dohra all their frequencies: had Deefer Mo forgotten to—No, it hadn’t.
    “I was afraid this’d happen—sorry,” said Jhl with a sigh as BrTl retreated to the hygiene cabinet, growling under his breath. “He will take up with these unlikely beings, and then he can never understand that it was nothing but a passing episode in their lives, and that they’ve since become immersed in getting on with said lives.”
    “Uh—that’s all right, Jhl. Oh—hang on!” gasped Deefer Mo, as the comm-receiver announced: Deefer Mo: call for you. “Yes, I’ll take it!”
    And gee, the comm-receiver lit up with a lovely sim-image of a puce—and rather creased—Ma’manker face, and a rather cracked voice said: “Deefer Mo, dear, creased Bheefer Do was just a little upset by that growling just now: it’s too creased to understand about xathpyroids, dear: so I wonder if you could just drop a hint in your lovely friend’s auditory organ?”
    “Yeah, okay, Queefer Do. –Ear—you can say ear, they’re not that much different from us, inside,” it added glumly.
    Queefer Do blenched but said valiantly: “Really, dear? That’s nice! Well, we’ll see you later!”
    “Yeah. See you later, Queefer Do,” agreed Deefer Mo glumly, and the sub-group member blobbed off. “They live upstairs—sorry.”
    “Federation, don’t apologise!” said Jhl with a laugh. “I’ll tell him, if you like.”
    “Er—thanks,” it said weakly. After a moment it admitted: “I was dead sure that call was Dohra.”
    Jhl made a face. “Me, too.”
    “Was you-it and you-it? It wasn’t,” said Trff in some surprise.
    “No,” she sighed. “Uh—well, is it too early to head for the ending-sizzle?”
    “Of course not!” said Deefer Mo, cheering up. “There’ll be endless sizzling sagas from slightly creased ones—well, slightly creased and very drunk ones, probably! And the celebrations go on all day. The actual sizzling won’t be till tomorrow: Sizzling Day, we call it. Lots of creased ones choose to go out that day.”
    Jhl was emanating uneasiness.
    “Yeah; okay, Trff, you don’t have to warn me, I can see she’s nervous. There’s nothing horrid about it; the creased one just fades out—right, thanks, Trff: you’d call it dying, Jhl: we say it leaves go of its essence, but I don’t know if you—No. Well, that leaves its body. And we put that in the sizzling grate and when it’s sizzled we put the remains in its pouch—um, no, nothing like that: you’ll see what I mean tomorrow—and the pouch produces the next generation.”
    “Um, yeah,” said Jhl limply. She looked at Trff but it just sat there like a ball of pale green fluff, what else? “Um, next generation?” she said cautiously.
    “Sure! Like if it was me going off, I’m Deefer Mo—no, well, Deefer Soh-Liakki-quão-Mo, legally and IG-legally—the one in the next generation would be Deefer Bo.”
    “Oh,” said Jhl feebly.
    Mo is its generation name, explained Trff.—Gee, that helped.—Nothing like the it-being, it added placidly.—And that. Jhl tried not to glare at it.
    You-it should just ask! it sent jauntily. What they call the essence and you-it thinks of as the personality doesn’t regenerate. Deefer Mo won’t mind if you-it asks it.
    Did she need to, now? “Um, yeah, um, correct me if I've got the wrong end of the ban-ban-ban, here, Deefer Mo, but, um, a new one doesn’t remember anything about the previous generation, does it?”
    “No, we’re just like you in that respect,” it said calmly.
    Jhl sagged. “Yeah,” she croaked. “Goddit.”
    The pink being had it slightly wrong, sent her helpful Chief Engineer.
    Gee, it shut up like the proverbial dendrion nut. Jhl bit her lip. “Sorry, Trff. Uh—beg your pardon, Deefer Mo. Trff was trying to help explain, and, uh, I didn’t know much about Ma’mankers and the Encyclopaedia wasn’t all that much help, and, um, some of the impressions I had came from BrTl or Dohra, so—Yeah,” she said feebly as Deefer Mo dissolved in Ma’manker giggles.
    The entire building that was Block 692 in the grid layout of Koo’per City appeared to be celebrating the creased one’s ending-sizzle, judging by the open doors, the to-ing and fro-ing, and the noise: not just Slot 840002, or even Level 84. The place was so busy that even the lift-blobs were all hypered: theirs asked them brightly: Level 84? before anyone could even formulate thought. And up they went.
    This must be it, because there was such a crowd in the passage it was impossible to see the door. “This must be it,” noted BrTl, peering about for pink mammalian humanoids and/or brothers and Friyrians.
    Gee, all of a sudden the crowd cleared. Even though Deefer Mo was sending at the top of its mind: He’s a friend! Don’t panic! Wavey-Spacey, like me! And similar comforting messages that were having little effect.
    Finally a rather creased one came forward and quavered: “Hullo, Deefer Mo, dear.”
    Any being might have been excused for thinking this was the same rather creased one that had made the sim-call, but Trff sent quickly No, just as Jhl was opening her great fat mammalian mouth to shove her plantigrade hind appendage into it, so she shut up like a dendrion nut. Sub-group member Feeper Ko from the next block—right.
    Feeper Ko had got over its terror and was telling BrTl nicely that that delicious smell was special Galaxy Day pancakes: yes. Jhl peered unavailingly: the slot was crammed with Ma’manker backs. Not to say ringing with Ma’manker noise.
    Two of them are reciting sizzling sagas, explained Trff. Different ones.
    That explains eighty percent of it, then! she replied jocularly, fool that she was.
    No: five point zero, zero three repeating percent. She-it isn’t here, her Chief Engineer returned kindly.
    Quite. Jhl sighed, and prepared to listen nicely to sizzling-sagas and kindly Ma’manker enquiries after her own sub-group whilst stuffing her mammalian gob with Ma’manker pancakes…
    “If that creased Feeper Ko stuffs BrTl with any more pancakes,” she sighed, “—I’m speaking figuratively, here, but only just—he’ll burst.”
    “It knows what you-it means,” Trff agreed. “Creased Feeper Ko keeps sending messages to its s-beings to bring more over from its own slot—Sorry, you-it got that.”
    “Yeah. –I’ve been trying to tell myself it’s the exotic mixture of sour and sweet that's the appeal—I think they’re using New Attl’nntyan limes along with the nymbo cheese and shaved hard taffy, correct me if I’m wrong—but I haven’t managed to convince myself: it’s just his normal greed.”
    Yes. And you-it is wrong: they’re using Turraburran citrons: the juice and the outer layer of the epidermis. It supposes the taste would be very like New Attl’nntyan limes to a human­oid. Though there’s Wurratonoonian desert lemonberries as well, that’s the secret ingredient.
    Jhl gulped. Don’t you-it repeat that to any being, Trff!
    Not even BrTl?
    No, he’d open that great maw of his and let it out.
    There is an eighty-eight point seven six nine percent chance of that, yes, it conceded.
    Jhl gulped again. That much? She hadn’t thought he was that bad!
    Only when it comes to food. All right, it won’t.
    Huh? Oh—right, right. Good on you, Trff. BURP! “Federation! Pardon me!”
    “Granted!” it said jauntily. “This fermented laa’s good!” Hic! “Pardon it!”
    Er—yes. Good thing it was small, not to be anything-ist, because there was every chance that some being’d have to carry it back to Deefer Mo’s slot after this little do. But by the look of that particular member of the Liakki sub-group, it wouldn’t be it. Jhl smiled nicely at a slightly creased one that was urging a gooey mixture of qwlot, raw boo-bird eggs and Morphy’s Planet sconger cactus juice on her—once you got used to the texture it wasn’t half bad, the cactus juice was naturally sweet and just slightly milky, though according to a certain small pale green fluffy being it had nothing in common with grqwaries’ milk other than its liquid state and certain elements common to all c-based— 

    Jhl stopped listening at that point: never mind Galaxy Day, there was a limit!
    “Um, no, thanks all the same, Heeker Po, I think I’ve had enough—though it’s really nice: I wonder if you could give me the recipe for my Mum? Um, my slightly creased sub-group member,” she corrected herself.
    Happily it gave her the recipe…
    “And then the gallant Cheefer Bo did slash and cut most valiantly!” chanted creased Cheefer Jo. “And hacked, and hacked—”
    “From the far horizon, three eyes a-gleam, came valiant Peefer Ko, upon its trusty steed!” shouted creased Peefer Ro.
    “And hacked, and hacked, and hacked, and hacked, and hacked!” screeched very young Teeper Mo, hacking another small sub-group member with a Galaxy Day present. –Why older sub-group members, older cognates, older affines and older relatives would insist upon giving the immature ones toy weaponry, reflected Jhl, was one of the great mysteries of sentient life as generally experienced in the Known Universe…
    “I see: then we all go for a brisk walk. Jolly good idea!” she admitted, as Deefer Mo urged them towards the lift-blob.
    “It’s cold out there,” whined BrTl.
    “Shurrup. Tell your FW pack to go into hyperdrive, or shomething,” she ordered.
    “It doesn’t need a walk. It isn't full,” objected Trff. “It’s only had—” Hic! “A plate of agar-agar,” it finished unconvincingly.
    “Yeah, a plate of agar-agar and too much fermented hic laa,” replied Jhl unkindly. “You’re coming!” BURP!
    “It’s the sweet and sour pancakes with that Galaxy Day glop of creased Heeker Po’s: I did try to warn you,” said Deefer Mo mildly.
    “Yep.” BURP! “Sho you did.”
    “Get on. Grab my arm,” it said weakly.
    Jhl reeled onto the lift-blob, hanging on tightly to its wiry arm: she wasn’t proud.
    Blerrinbrig’s, it was nippy, all right! They walked briskly—Uh, rolled unsteadily, in Trff’s case, bother. “Give me your-its tentacle.”
    “It’s upside-down,” it noted mildly.
    “What? Vvlvanian curses! Well, get right-side-up!” And she took its tentacle, and they reeled on…
    “We’ve come too far,” admitted Deefer Mo.
    “Too far for what?” asked Jhl with a giggle.
    “To get back without you and me collapsing, Jhl.”
    “Get on,” groaned BrTl.
    “How drunk are you?” asked Jhl suspiciously.
    “I’m not drunk at all. That glop stuff wasn’t suited to the metabolism,” he said virtuously. “And I’ve walked off the pancakes. Get up.”
    So Jhl and Deefer Mo joined Trff on his back and BrTl walked quickly, well, quite quickly, back to Block 692. On the way kindly giving lifts to four Liakki sub-group members that had also walked too far.
    And they went up in the lift-blob without benefit of any orders at all, and were met at the door of Slot 840002 by—
    “There you all are!” she cried.
    You owe me—uh, lots of igs, sent BrTl dazedly.
    Yeah, agreed Jhl dazedly. By the three-tongued blurryankers of Trypthfymia! That gangly male humanoid in a developmental stage was undoubtedly the brother, the spots and the incipient moustache alone would have proved that, but not only that—
    “How are you, Captain Smt Wong?” said the Friyrian mildly. “Good to see you again.”
    Lots of igs, repeated BrTl dazedly as Jhl allowed him to bow over her hand, Friyrian-style, and was then introduced to Wessy Kally. She was certainly very, very pretty—well, the plasmo-blasted Meagraw’s loss, huh? Captain Ccrainchzzyllia then stood back with a little smile and a muffled cascade of tinkles while Dohra explained eagerly to them all that the Captain had adopted Wessy Kally as his daughter! 

    Great splintered shards of quog! Why? groped Jhl. Well, to please Dohra, this was very, very evident. But—uh—one friymanoid was much like another? Oops, no, according to Dohra, while he hadn’t given up all hope of finding Hally Kally, there was realistically very little probability of it—that was right, Trff, lots of numbers—and Wessy Kally had had no-one to take care of her, and the Captain—lovely pink blush—was a lonely man!
    Not for long, sent Jhl sardonically to her First Officer.
    No, obviously. What with arranging for the blue being’s education—Eh? Oh! Yeah: I was right all along, see!
    You weren’t! I mean, I wasn’t wrong; I’ve always maintained, after seeing them together on the third moon of Pkqwrd, that he’ll offer Dohra bond-partnership eventual—Oh, forget it. You were right all along, yeah, yeah.
    And they found, with some difficulty and the application of the kindly Deefer Mo’s three very sharp elbows, a quietish corner and occupied it and began to exchange small tokens and “Oh, you shouldn’t haves” and—Flaming Vvlvanian magma-pits! The misguided girl had brought a nymbo cheese pie for BrTl! 

    —And news.
    Dohra was still occupying the position of Acting Chef: chalk one up to her, Jhl Smt Wong. But—blushing and avoiding Captain Ccrainchzzyllia’s eye—she was doing a Third School Correspondence Course from the New Rthfrdian Third School.—How in Federation had he got her into that? The New Rthfrdian schools were famous for their high academic standards!—And Wessy Kally was doing lots of schoolwork as well as helping with the culture-pans!
    “I can do ‘minus’ now,” said Wessy Kally proudly.
    “Goob show,” said Jhl kindly, if thickly. 

    “Yes, and she made those blrtlberry buns!” revealed Dohra proudly.
    “The culture-pan done it all, really,” said Wessy Kally modestly.
    “Did it all, my dear,” corrected her adoptive father mildly.
    “Yeah: only slobs like me say done it all!” agreed the brother hoarsely, grinning.
    Great galloping herds of grpplybeasts, was the Friyrian mending his manners for him, too?
    Yes, sent Trff helpfully. He-it's got him-it off C’T’rea and on the ship where he-it can keep an eye, figuratively speaking, on him-it, and he-it’s coaching him-it in maths.
    Right, recognised Jhl: the brother was gonna go to Space Fleet Academy and become a Pilot and his subsequent career in the Service would be the most glorious of any humanoid surrogate son of any Friyrian that ever got on the wrong side of a venal Admiral with all four eyes on the main cha—
    “J’nno wants to be a Pilot, silly!” said Dohra with a laugh.
    Jhl reddened. “Yeah, ’course ya do, J’nno. Good on ya.”
    “I’m gonna try for a Fighter squadron!” he said eagerly.
    That’s what he thinks, noted BrTl drily.
    Yep, agreed Jhl. Naturally his sister, in the way of female humanoid sub-group members, had no desire to see him racing round the two galaxies trying to get himself blasted into a megazillion pieces of intergalactic dust: so if she had anything to do with it, it wouldn’t happen.
    Gee, what are the chances of her having something to do with it? wondered BrTl smugly.
    Given that the Friyrian’s completely under her opposable digit—
    In terms of the commonly perceived space-time continuum, it’s a sure thing! concluded Trff, redundantly but jauntily. Hic! “Pardon it.”
    It sure was! And with that the ship-companions gave up completely any last vestige of worry about the fate of W’t, Dohra B’Jn, and just sat back and let Galaxy Day on Morphy’s Planet and all ceremonies and customs pertaining thereto wash over them…


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